
Thursday, 13 September 2012

What a 10 days then 1

Well in a nutshell my last ten days have been challenging to say the least.  I am 40 now and pretty active, wife (nudge nudge) and my toddlers Olly and Issy keep me busy, plus the boy child step-son Samuel.

Anyway I had been waiting for xray results on hip pain I had been having and that was worsening by the day.  Now while I hoped it was just a trapped nerve or something I never bargained on what my phone call had in store, Osteoarthritis of the right hip.  After attending an appointment with the doctor he told me my hip was shot to pieces and that of a 65-70 year old.  Well although there are so many worse things in life this news hit me like a hammer.  The doctor has referred me to physio as this can help and change how I move.  At the end of this is an appointment with a hip specialist and what I would think will lead to a hip replacement.  Now while this will give me a better hip it will put me out of action for at least 6 months.  I have already had to cut my courier work by half because of the pain and secondly it limits my mobility to interact with the babies.

Then a few days later I get hammer blow number two, and it's from my son Harry who lives in Oxford with his Mum.  Now after a few minutes talking with him I knew things were not right and sure enough he started mentioning things to me that his mother had been twisting his little mind with.  Spouting things that a) he should not be told, and b) so many false accusations.  However, Harry is at a stage where he lives with his mum and listens and believes everything that she tells him, and I am the ogre.  Harry's mum started to twist Harry's mind not long after I had told Harry that Karen and I were expecting a baby (Oliver), but even before that she had never painted me in a positive light.  After having to explain myself to a ten year old, which even if I could talk I had no answers against the lies, I then heard the words "I hate you dad, do not ever phone again, you have lost a son".  Now before anyone says "he will come round", I have to beg to differ.  He is in such a bad place with his mum I have no chance.

Then, blow number 3.  Two days ago my mum was whisked into hospital doubled over in severe stomach pain.  Her husband rang to inform us and said that the doctors were going to perform a scan as they felt it might be kidney stones.  Now, my mum has a history of stomach problems and having lost my father with a problem in his stomach whereby a growth got to such a size his organs had no chance of continuing to function and he passed away some 14 years ago, I was naturally very worried. 

So, its been a pretty poo 10 days, then today came the "then 1".  My mum his home and feeling more comfortable, although the outcome was inconclusive.  Also, we had results back from a blood test for Oliver and it came back with an all clear.

After a torrid 10 days Karen and I gave each other a kind of "we love each other so much" look and I took today as a massive victory and step in the right direction.

Harry is still not talking to me and Arthur (osteoarthritis) won't go away, but everybody must keep believing in what they do have, and the one thing I have is an amazing family and a whole lot of fight.

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